Monday, January 5, 2009

Mascara and Boys don't mix!!

Do they ever just play with toys!!!!!


At the top. The hike up was a little work, but well worth it.
Mike and Brock getting ready to take the plunge.
Mike and Brock after the plunge. (I think Mike purposely puts the kids in front to shield him)

Baylee and Brody at the top

Mike and Briggs (they didn't make it to the top)

Ice Skating

Brody working on his ice hockey
The kids love the bucket. Especially when Mike pushes it!

Oh look...It's the Ice Princess! Or other wise known as Baylee.

Brock (He spends as much time on his bottom as he does on his skates.)

Ahhhhhh, in the warming hut.


Santa left his loot. With all the snow outside, good thing we have alot of room to drive it around the basement.

All Brody wanted was an electric guitar. (Don't really know why, but its fun and loud.) Once again thank heavens for basements.

All the new Christmas P.J's

The first and only gifts opened on Chrismas Eve. Maybe I should suprise my kids one year and let them actually open up something other then P.J's......Nah!

The Happy Family (for 2 minutes)